2020 Annual General Meeting
Council of Ukrainian Credit Unions of Canada
Wednesday, December 9, 2020 | 7:00 p.m. EST | 6:00 p.m. CST
By Online Video Conference | Microsoft Teams
The Annual General Meeting of the Council of Ukrainian Credit Unions of Canada (the “Corporation”) will be held on Wednesday, December 9, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. EST (6:00 p.m. CST) by video conference using Microsoft Teams to:
- receive the Corporation’s financial statements for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2020;
- receive a report from the Board of Directors about the Corporation’s 2021 budget and strategic plan;
- consider and, if desired, pass a resolution to levy membership dues;
- consider and, if desired, pass resolutions to amend the Corporation’s By-Law No. 1 to (a) reduce the size of the board of directors from nine (9) to six (6), (b) permit the use of electronic meetings of members in the future, and (c) make consequential amendments more fully set out in the AGM Documents Package;
- elect directors;
- consider and, if desired, pass a resolution to waive the appointment of or to appoint an auditor; and
- consider such other business as may properly come before the meeting.
AGM MEETING PORTAL AND DOCUMENTS PACKAGE. The AGM Documents Package may be downloaded from the AGM Meeting Portal accessible via https://cucuc.ca/agm using the document access code (password) that has been mailed to you. Please contact secretary@cucuc.ca if you have not obtained the access code.
REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED TO ATTEND THE MEETING. Please register your attendance using the online form available via the AGM Meeting Portal. All member credit union representatives are welcome to attend the meeting; however, only designated proxies will be recognized to vote. Please complete and return the proxy form available via the AGM Meeting Portal to secretary@cucuc.ca by Tue., Dec. 8, 2020.
ATTENDING BY VIDEO CONFERENCE LINK. A secure meeting log-in link will be available on the registration page one hour before the meeting begins and accessible using the AGM Meeting Portal link and access code above. Please use the link to join the Microsoft Teams video conference. Prior to the meeting, please download the Microsoft Teams application and review the instructions available at https://cucuc.ca/using-microsoft-teams.
We trust that you will be able to participate by video link; however, an audio-only option will be provided as a backup alternative in the event your video connection cannot be established or is unreliable. If you experience technical problems joining the video conference from your computer or device, you may join the meeting using the audio-only dial-in facility, the information for which will be available alongside the meeting log-in link available on the AGM Meeting Portal.
DATED the 27th day of November 2020.
BY ORDER of the Board of Directors of the Council of Ukrainian Credit Unions of Canada.