2019 Credit Unions Report

In 2019, the Council of Ukrainian Credit Unions of Canada’s 5 provincial credit union members:1

Served over 61,000 members

Added 2,350 members

Supported local communities in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan

Saw assets grow 4.9%

The 2019 Credit Unions Report is prepared by Mr. Bohdan Leshchyshen, MBA, CFA, and funded by the Council of Ukrainian Credit Unions of Canada (CUCUC). The CUCUC is a not-for-profit trade association formed and managed by its Canadian provincial credit union members to promote the collective interests of ethno-Ukrainian Canadian credit unions operating in Canada. CUCUC’s members currently have operations in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan.

Open the 2019 Credit Unions Report


1 The complete 2019 Credit Unions Report based on information contained in the annual reports and financial statements of member credit unions is available at https://cucuc.ca/2019-credit-unions-report.